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When it comes to buying books, there are more options available than ever before, with many online retailers offering convenience and fast shipping. However, buying direct from an author or a small bookshop has several advantages that are often overlooked.
Firstly, when you buy direct from an author or a small bookshop, you are supporting independent creators and businesses. By purchasing directly from an author, you are supporting their work and helping them continue to produce more content that you love. Similarly, when you shop at a small bookshop, you are supporting a local business that plays an essential role in the community.
Secondly, buying direct from an author or a small bookshop often means that you get a more personal and meaningful experience. When you buy a book from an author, you may have the opportunity to receive a personalized message or even a signed copy of the book. At a small bookshop, you may receive personalized recommendations and the chance to discover new authors and titles that you may not have found otherwise.
Thirdly, buying direct from an author or a small bookshop helps to ensure a fairer distribution of profits. Large online retailers like Amazon often take a significant percentage of the revenue from book sales, leaving authors and small businesses with a smaller share of the profits. By buying directly from an author or a small bookshop, you are helping to support a more equitable distribution of profits within the industry.
In summary, buying direct from an author or a small bookshop not only supports independent creators and businesses, but it also offers a more personal and meaningful experience, and helps to ensure a fairer distribution of profits.
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